With its team of doctors, nurses, addiction therapists and social workers the Nicotine Dependence Clinic (NDC) is ready to assist individuals who wish to quit or reduce their tobacco use. The clinic is located in two locations near downtown Toronto. To learn more watch this video.
The STOP Program offers Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) free of cost along with counseling support to Ontarians. STOP is available through most Family Health Teams (FHTs), Community Health Centres (CHCs), Nurse Practitioner Led Clinics (NPLCs), and many addictions agencies. Contact your FHT, CHC, NPLC or addictions agency to see if they are implementing STOP and if you can participate. Most Public Health Units (PHUs) are also providing the STOP Program through STOP on the Road workshops - click here to learn about upcoming workshops in your area. For more information, visit STOP Program website.
PREGNETS is an online resource for pregnant and recently pregnant women who wish to quit or reduce smoking. PREGNETS provides quitting advice, tips and support specific to women’s needs. It offers a safe, non-judgmental online community to learn from others’ experiences with quitting, share your own stories, and get questions answered by a health care professional. Want to learn more? Visit the PREGNETS website, discussion board, blog, and Facebook page to begin your quit journey with us!
The MATCH study evaluates the real-world effectiveness of approved smoking cessation medications (bupropion or varenicline). Open to residents of Ontario, the study provides 12 weeks of medication at no cost to help participants quit smoking. These medications have been shown to double the chances of quitting smoking. Click here to learn more about the MATCH Study and to see if you are eligible to participate.